7 Questions (Fashion Magazine)

7 Questions. (Fashion magazine)

1.In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
My fashion magazine contains a lot of the codes and conventions of a fashion magazine, for example, it has a large main image on the front cover which has direct address to the audience because the model is looking directly at the lens. It also has a large masthead on the cover which attracts the readers to the magazine.

2.How does your media product represent particular social groups?
My magazine represents/appeals to social groups such as teenagers and young adults that are in education, mainly females that are interested in the fashion and beauty industry because my magazine focuses on young people fashion trends and the main article is about sixth form dress codes.

3.What kind of institution might distribute your media product and why?
My magazine will be distributed by Shops, Newsagents, Libraries, schools/ collages etc. because it is aimed young females in education. I would distribute my magazine this way because it gives exclusive audiences a chance to buy it as well as the public because everyone has access to shops/ newsagents whereas school kids have access to school libraries etc.

4.Who would be the audience for your media product?
The target audience for my media product is young adults/ teenagers aged between 16- 21 year old females in education with an interest in the fashion and beauty industry. I chose this target audience because my magazine focuses on young professionals.

5.How did you attract your audience?
I attracted my audience by using the front cover to initially attract them to the magazine by making it really sleek, clear and bold and in the magazine, I used relatable topics which people of that age range would be able to relate to, like how to dress for school and beauty trends. I advertised the contents of the magazine on the front cover because that’s the first impression people get from the magazine, I did this by using small text on the front cover so people know what to expect when they read the magazine so it will appeal to the right audience.

6.What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
While I created my magazine, I learnt a lot of things about the process of constructing products like this, I learnt how to use new software’s to create my product e.g InDesign. Using the application alongside things like Photoshop, I was able to create a front cover and a contents page of a magazine.

7.Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt?

I believe I have learnt a range of new skills, for example, I’ve learnt a lot more about the magazine industry from my research and the codes and conventions which help make the magazine appeal to different audiences. I also gained the knowledge of how to use the InDesign software which helped me create my final product which was my Stockley fashion magazine.  


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