Planning front cover, contents page and feature article
Music Magazine Plan – Razor (Cutting edge new music)
Genre: Hip-hop.
Target Audience: 15-30 year olds.
Religion: Any.
Education: Secondary school/ College/ University.
Employment: Possibly a weekend job.
Marital Status: Most likely not married.
Wage: Little if not anything.
Demographic: My magazine is aimed at middle class 15-30 year olds and it is gender fluid; because most teenagers don’t have a huge income that’s why I’m aiming it at the middle-class population, but also stereotypically the hip-hop genre is quite a poor genre with not a lot of money invested. Stereotypically the race of the reader of these magazines are black however more white raced people are starting to listen to this type of music.
The audience would like to see topics such as what’s going on in the rap industry, what newcomers are around and what’s happening with certain rappers also images of new things that rappers have bought, e.g. cars, houses.
I think the color schemes would be dark/bold colors such as blacks, reds and greys. The typography should be big bold writing to stand out to give it that aggressive look.
For my magazine I have taken inspirations from artists such as Chance the rapper, ASAP rocky, Bryson tiller and other artists of the kind; because their style is the inspiration behind some of the photos I want to take for my magazine. Also, some of the magazines they have been featured in (e.g. Fader, Complex) are the inspirations for my articles.
Inspiration photos:
Front cover:
For my front cover, I am going to take heavy inspiration from Fader magazine in the way it is extremely minimalistic and focuses solely on the artist, this can bring a lot of attention to the magazine if the cover star is heavily known. For my front cover, I am also going to use a close up image which is very common in these magazines because it shows a closer more intimate look at the artist.
Contents page:
On my contents page I am only going to feature a one-sided page with a large image covering the over side because it is common for these contents pages to be cut to just one side, it's also quite a minimalistic look which I will try to recreate in my magazine as well as using main images to focus on the cover star as well as using basic colours in the colour palette which don’t draw as much attention to the text than the headings; because that is what I have commonly seen in the conventions of these contents page of similar R&B and Hip-hop magazines.
Feature article:
From my inspiration photos, I have seen a trend that highlights the artist in the feature article ina different light, almost a more personal aspect to their image. Therefore for my feature article, I'm going to create an interview with the artist which touches his personal side and makes his fans have a look into his private life. Throughout the double page spread, I'm going to include several images from the photoshoot of the artist and I am going to also highlight key text and quotes in different colours because it draws the eye of the reader if it stands out to the rest of the page.
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