Magazine Industry research

Magazine Industry research
Magazines are publications, usually periodical publications, that are printed or electronically published (sometimes referred to as online magazines) they are generally published on a regular schedule and contain a variety of content. They are generally financed by advertising, by a purchase price, by prepaid subscriptions, or a combination of the three

The magazine industry is managing to remain relevant through the technological challenges and advances in society by finding new distribution channels and better determining the direction that it must go in the digital world. Although many challenges are to be faced in the industry, it is shifting towards the production of digital publications and finding new ways to better integrate within social media.  


•Magazine companies are revamping their websites to optimize for mobile devices and social aspects and include more multimedia content.

•Websites are being updated regularly to remain as up-to-date as possible

•More magazine publishers might need to allocate more resources to a website redesign specific for mobile and social media users.

•Multimedia companies are growing

•Changes in the distribution system

•Digital editions of magazines as downloadable files rather than websites

Magazine categories

-Celebrity                                       -Music

-Fashion                                         -TV & Movies

-Sport                                             - Health

-Gaming                                        -  Gardening 

Industry Drivers:

 -Energy prices

-Technology Innovation

-Government Regulation


•Dependency on advertising for revenue

•Decrease of paid circulation sales over the past decade

•Consolidation of distributors, retailers, ad agencies, and suppliers leaves a small amount of room for price negotiation

•Competition from free Internet sources

•Postal rates increasing directly impacts the industry


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